Steam_id : A-1:1602368518 (5058)
Steamnick: Bo Knows
I was a regular on dogz for awhile, 2009-2011 or so. My ban came in 2011.
All I can remember about that night was I had my music playing, I was drinking that night,
I had just won the last few maps. There was an admin in the server, though I couldnt hear
from my music. Im fairly certain he banned me because I was being too loud. Personally
I think he raged banned me. Who permanently bans a regular because he's drunk and loud
one night? Maybe a 25 minute ban to get my attention. It stil pisses me off thinking about it.
Having admin doesnt give a person the right to abuse their abilities because they're raging.
I cant remember who the admin is but I strongly feel I was wrongfully banned and I love
The dogz server. Unfortunately this event took place. Ive spoken with several players who clam they
Had been wrongfully banned in the past around the same era. Some rouge admin being a complete
Child, I suppose. Thanks for reading, hopefully seee you ingame soon.