honestly i didnt realize so many people didnt realize im just being sarcastic/joking. I really think most people knew i was but i guess not. I get the noise thing but I really dont take the score serious so i dont get bein a poor sport and I have a girlfriend so I really hope no girl on the server honestly thinks im "creepin" on them but whatever sometimes im drinkin and i gotta keep that in mind. My bad to people ive offended, Ive never tried to make any personal or racial comments at least. I never seem to hear the actual warnings so I never really know what im getting banned for the other times.
Just remember to mind yourself in the future over the mic. And when it comes down to it, we always warn but we don't owe anyone a warning. The motd is our warning. Thanks for realizing your mistakes though and we'll see you when your bans up