Hello i am getting kicked from different servers after i entered your commands for better shooting and it says "auto kicked for ping masking". I also would like to know why do i have to shoot my heart out to get a kill in your servers??
Don't understand why you're getting both of those problems man. If you get kicked for ping masking then that means that you're trying to hide your latency or ping so a server doesn't kick you in case you have ridiculously high ping so your latency will show as 1. As for shooting your heart out, I dunno man I don't mean to be offensive or anything but get better? I and many others do fine as is. All I can tell you is our rates are definitely not your ping masking problem.
disable any addon's that you might of downloaded like any configurations like curse or angel. Also make sure you don't make the rates double the max rate. Another thing that can kick you for ping masking is a bad css.exe file try reinstalling css. As for shooting people just go knife them that is what I do.
Hello i have removed the commands by going into cstrike folder n editing config file, and now i don't get kicked from other servers. On the shooting thingy i meant to say that if u play in WL servers and many others then u can see how easy its to kill there, but in most GG its like this so i am fine.