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October 18 2007 23:38:29
read in the server forum the link is there but it is
October 18 2007 23:32:35
where r the hlstatsx on this site 
October 17 2007 16:00:06
hey does the server block skins if they are put on?
October 13 2007 09:10:50
just send me a pm with your steam id kill_me_asap and i can add u. to have access to em
October 13 2007 08:57:05
Hey guys,
The new site rox.
Kudos to Corex & everyone else involved. I just donated $25. Hope this helps. Also, I will need to find out about getting one of those donate skins.
October 12 2007 23:49:21
Thank you Corex, Foe posted it on our forums. I appreciate it *hugs*
October 12 2007 23:42:35
hey heard u were sick foxy. hope u start to feel better!
October 12 2007 23:37:27
very nice site guys... way to go. I'm gonna hang around every now and then and now. 
October 12 2007 16:41:36
hey core... i went to the hlstasx and i cant find myself on there. is there a reason for this or am i just stupid!
October 12 2007 16:37:54
Thanks man! that is cool! i will have to get it to you then... im just at work now...
October 11 2007 22:06:17
ty dump truck.. pm me ur steam id and i can make it so u have access to reserved skins if you want.
October 11 2007 14:19:40
Hey guys i just donated $20 hope that helps you guys out with some stuff...
October 08 2007 22:15:12
i signed up
October 08 2007 00:18:14
No more scims till more membrs are signed up on TwL
October 07 2007 17:31:23
Donators Skins are now Online!
October 04 2007 22:51:38
good stuff man
October 04 2007 18:59:23
nice work... hook me up brother
October 04 2007 09:41:07
Hi everyone!