Figured I'd fill one of these out now that I'm on the forums.
CS:S Background:
I've been playing in the server for years, though I didnt play much for a couple years and started playing again in 2019. Started playing CS:S ~2011 or so, starting with Sl4ysled gungame server. Over the year I helped run several large communities/servers, some of which are still top communities (e.g. GFL), though I'm not involved anymore. I am an expert sourcemod programmer, and enjoy helping communities out that I play with (e.g. this one), or taking commission requests (though I'm kind of taking a break from that). In the end, gungame is my favorite mod and is the only CS:S i tend to play anymore - namely just Dogz server.
Real Life:
The coding is just a side thing for a bit of spending money. In real life, I'm a civil engineer working as a design engineer and project manager on collections system projects for a large municipality. I'm married, have two dogs and no kids (at least for a few more years). I'm a guitarist, drummer, and dabble in many other other instruments. I'm an outdoor enthusiast and enjoy playing sports with friends.
Nice to see a lot of familiar names on the forums. Hope I can contribute to the community.
- Sourcemod programmer, civil engineering, etc.
In-Game Name: The Oneā¢