I appreciate it still isn't technically against the rules, but this player in particular is really starting to get out of hand. They ALWAYS uses a killswitch on knife when they feel they are about to drop back to grenade. They also use a killswitch when their health is really low. And the most bothersome thing is that this player in particular always targets me with a knife when I am on nade or knife. Normally I have no problem with that because 2 players should, go at each other on knife, mano el mano...EXCEPT, again, this player ALWAYS uses a killswitch to avoid dying when they feel they are about to get knifed in return. It is extremely frustrating, annoying, and to be completely honest, salts my game tremendously because this player targets me specifically.
Unfortunately, I do not have a demo because they joined right at the end of the game when I was on nade and trying to win, so I imagine implementing a ban is unlikely to happen. I just wanted this on record. I hopefully will catch this person again.
it does not appear that he uses a kill bind a lot. it's been discussed and found to be a game exploit offense. isolated case maybe? I know in the dm servers its happening a lot! one player in particular used the bind 24 times in one day (top 10 player) we'll watch for it more.
"committed suicide with" in events under player stats