Crazy Earl |
Posted on 27-01-2017 00:18
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
Players SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29045008
Players Nick Name: o.{not.my.president.trump}.o
Comments: This guy's been loud and obnoxious before, nothing too major, but he threw out the f-word a couple times tonight(no proof, though) and I gave him a verbal warning regarding the rules. I then got the attached screenshot of him spamming the chat with some more lovely filtered language before ragequitting. This is an off-and-on thing with him.
Regulars Present: Just myself at the time, as far as I was aware.
Which Server: Funtimes
Edit: the longer f-word, not the n-word. My bad.
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Edited by Crazy Earl on 27-01-2017 00:54
JoonBug |
Posted on 27-01-2017 02:41
Senior Member
Posts: 412
Joined: 30/04/2015 22:43
When you said he threw out the f-word a couple times without proof, are you saying that he uses a mic sometimes and you weren't able to record? If so, what does he say on his mic? Think you can record him later?
On a side note, I think you should not use that IGN ([DoG BOT] Earl) while playing on the servers. It might give some people the wrong idea. |
Crazy Earl |
Posted on 27-01-2017 03:13
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
He sometimes uses the mic, sometimes the chat, same as myself. I didn't record the mic use and will try to in the future, after giving him another warning whenever I see him next.
I threw my current name on as a joke; badseed hasn't taken issue with it and plays at the same time as me regularly.
JoonBug |
Posted on 27-01-2017 04:39
Senior Member
Posts: 412
Joined: 30/04/2015 22:43
Yeah it would be nice to see the full extent of what he says before taking action against him. Feel free to update your post if his words escalate into something worse. That will definitely cross the line.
As for the name, it was just a suggestion haha. I don't know what the other admins might think of it. Thought it'd be best to be safe than sorry. |
Crazy Earl |
Posted on 27-01-2017 05:11
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
Oh, ok lol. I'll probably get bored of it soon anyway, but I usually tell people that don't catch on right away(with my ridiculous flying squirrel knifing antics) that I'm actually a person.
badseed |
Posted on 27-01-2017 10:21
Posts: 1192
Joined: 09/10/2007 11:51
thanks for the post. his chat logs shows racism as well. your name has
stuck well! you may be unable to change it. |
fiveforfighting |
Posted on 01-03-2017 19:40
Posts: 4
Joined: 11/09/2016 20:44
No one will be confused that Earl's a bot heheh |