If Clan Staff confirm it's an issue, I'll throw and name and demo up for who's causing the biggest problem in my experience, but what's the ruling on in-game sprays of realistic Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist player models?
It feels cheap and aggravating to me to see this guy constantly trying to throw others off by drawing their attention away with a fake target so he can capitalize on their distraction and get some extra kills. And it's not thrown up randomly, either, but placed strategically around the Funtimes server's maps to fool people, usually in his spawn at the edges of the back wall.
To be clear, I'm not looking for permission to throw up ban requests on this sort of thing, but I do want to be able to get an admin's attention in-game when I see it being used and get some Voice of Authority or another to get them to change it.
Yo i agree with that bud, i got caught slip'n a few times because of someone using those things. its annoying as hell so anything you can do about it would be great!