Hello, My in-game name is KABOOM!!! My dad and I used to play on this server all the time long ago, don't really remember what year we started to be exact. I first created an account on these forums in 2008 you can see my old profile here: https://www.dogzg...lookup=123 I don't remember my old password, and I think I used my dads email since I was 13 (I'll be 21 in may) so I have no clue. I mainly got an account on here long ago because to become a part of the clan. I almost made it in, I think it was my age at the time. Oh well.
So if you do remember me (I don't remember anyone on here to be honest lol some people I might), my dad does not play anymore. I have taken over the account. I still play CS:S almost everyday till this day. I recently have been playing on the turbo server sometimes and have 80 wins so. I guess I still got it? lol. The only game mode I play now is ZE and very well known player among servers. Some people might consider me pro on there even though I don't myself.
So I thought I would just make a new account just to say hi to some old friends and see how people are doing. Hope to talk to some old friends again if I remember you lol. Thanks!