Server Infraction Question
Crazy Earl |
Posted on 17-10-2014 01:47
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
I apologize if this is in the wrong place, or if there's a specific list of server infractions that I missed; I just made my account today, though I've been on DoGz servers for over a year now(funtimes specifically ;D), and I didn't see anywhere more appropriate to ask just now.
Anyway! I am trying to find out if excessive use of the kill command to escape being knived counts as an infraction? I can post all the relevant info as a reply if so, but I'd rather not make accusations until I know this is indeed a bannable offense, which I hope it is. He routinely leaps off the gg_funtimes rooftop if anyone good at knifing tries to knife him(namely, me) and hits a bound key for the kill command right before hitting the ground -- that's the only explanation I can see for a fatal fall when you're fresh out of spawn and uninjured, and he's even leapt off the much shorter spawn backwall and still managed to die, when that doesn't even deliver damage.
The act is usually followed with a few choice curses aimed at the would-be knifer, and denial of any wrongdoing. |
No pancake mix |
Posted on 17-10-2014 02:24
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We do not in fact allow that. We generally warn people off that then take action if they do not listen. |
Crazy Earl |
Posted on 17-10-2014 02:29
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Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
Sweet! I will reply with the proper Ban Request Form the next time he's on and I can grab his SteamID. See if I can't get a recording of him doing it, too. |
noxous |
Posted on 17-10-2014 10:19
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I do believe that (at least with the sourcemod GunGame mod) that you can set a level-down penalty for using the kill command and world spawn suicide.
Code /**
* Level down playr if they kill themself by WorldSpawn Suicide.
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"WorldspawnSuicide" "1"
* Level down players if they use the "kill" command
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"CommitSuicide" "1"
Crazy Earl |
Posted on 17-10-2014 15:38
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
That'd be totally fair, as far as my opinion counts for anything o.o Especially in this exact case, since all he's doing is cheaply escaping losing a level lol |
Crazy Earl |
Posted on 17-10-2014 17:34
Junior Member
Posts: 28
Joined: 17/10/2014 01:39
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5778907
Name: SÒA CozO
Infraction: Avoids being knived with disguised use of the console command "kill". Typically flees from a would-be knifer and leaps off some platform, supposedly falling to his death, yet often suffers lethal falls when at perfect health or from falls that deliver no damage at all. Claims no wrongdoing and refuses to desist.
Regulars Present: John Wilkes Booth(STEAM_0:1:29419214) was present at the times, as well as several others.
Server: DoGz [GunGame DM] Funtimes/Iceworld (
A demo will be attached as soon as I can obtain one, if required. Shouldn't be hard, just have to pull out a knife the next time he logs in. |