Players SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5941015
Players Nick Name: sсlсkсa
Comments: aimbot
(Please describe in detail what the player did. So NO comments like: hacking )
Regulars Present: aimbot, script, all hacks
(Did any other players witness the infraction?) yes
Which Server: gungame, yes
Sorry the demo fail but the screenshots below shows u that this guy was using hacks, CT's all left as u can see in the screenshots and his score to 42... the guy was using aimbot, script, mic spam, and beacon himself. all my posts about to report hackers are true.
Well i dont really see conclusive evidence to prove he was hacking there was another person that was 33-5 besides the guy that was 42-9...... and from the looks of it the CTS didnt have very good players...
I am not discrediting you in any way I am simply saying there is 0 proof that he was hacking just from your screenshots of a players score.
For future reference please add a demo, that was we can try and actually see his play and motions and we can try and better determine if someone is breaking the rules.
Thank you for you concern and try and get a demo of him and post it in here. We will certainly take a look at it
Do you know, I was there and am not posting something because I hate someone. This is true 100% hack.
Once I saw him, I did join spectators to watch him, what was using ....
- aimbot
- script ....he was bunny hopping
- beacon, he use beacon
- mic spam, once he join, he use mic spam annoying song for few seconds
His score did not continue because knife comes, and he miss 3 rounds because of knife... see ? otherwise he would be the winner ... am trying to get u on this, so also why his score was 42 and only 30 stars ?
Here is more evidence sir...
The demo fail but here is the demo below only 2 seconds...
DEMO was created on 6/29/2014 same day and time as this post. If u like skip this links below and start with the red arrows...