I gave him a 7 day ban for aimbot & mic spamming.
Tried to warn him. But, he spammed the mic. with music.
After looking at his stats.Although only been here twice.
Probably should be perma.
Wheels was in attendance.
I posted here. Because I'm not allowed to post in The Banned yet?
well cing you did 7 day i will issue it in the banned log and if it happens agin it gose to perma i will also get with scooby about thhat for u killme and thank you very much
Just went and looked in our logs and he is supost to already be banned!
I will look into everything and as is now this is a perma ban not a 7 day.
I will try and fix this problem asap so we do not get anymore repeat hackers.
Sorry guys for the inconvenience.
Thank you,
steam updates sometimes **** up the bans on the server sonotall stick always try to keep a back up client side up todate so you can replace it once a week making sure updates didnt **** it up