"Don't ever change interp with the cl_interp command. cl_interp should always be on 0, instead, you change the interp using the cl_interp_ratio command. IMO, cl_interp is an ancient command that should be removed and completely replaced with cl_interp_ratio.
Only use whole numbers with cl_interp_ratio; it's simply unnecessary to use values like 1.2, because all it does is adding useless interpolation time. I especially don't understand why you would use this in combination with a 120hz monitor; that combination seems a bit irrelevant.
Instead, use cl_interp_ratio 1 if you have little to no packet loss (check this with net_graph 3), cl_interp_ratio 2 if you have regular packet loss, and cl_interp_ratio 3 if you have a fairly big amount of packet loss.
You can also reduce cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate if you experience packet loss or packet choke, respectively. Although I'd prefer to increase interp before resorting to reducing rates."
Source: Reddit
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