Players SteamID: STEAM_0:0:3164704
Players Nick Name: "[FLYD] Hotep"
Players SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33200125
Players Nick Name: ".:Proxy:. [FTDS]"
Players SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10865814
Players Nick Name: "the transient"
Hotep was fighting with another player "the transient" via voice chat and there may have been others that were joining in vs. "the transient" but the only one I noted in particular was Proxy. Not sure who started it, but racial remarks were thrown back and forth as well as much disrespect in general. I frankly got tired of it (went across multiple maps) and finally had to figure out how to report.
Regulars Present:
Not sure who the regulars are, but the following people were present at the time:
# 4175 "[FLYD] Hotep" STEAM_0:0:3164704 14:59 98 0 active
# 4136 ".:Proxy:. [FTDS]" STEAM_0:0:33200125 35:03 87 0 active
# 4147 "the transient" STEAM_0:0:10865814 29:36 88 0 active
# 4134 "chrisatlanta" STEAM_0:0:572312 35:39 66 0 active
# 4142 "nihilo.est" STEAM_0:0:13634201 31:53 76 0 active
# 4193 "Unknown?!" STEAM_0:0:19724581 08:38 99 0 active
# 4191 "cdizzle" STEAM_0:0:8385053 09:18 78 0 active
# 4154 "I like trees" STEAM_0:0:39763427 26:30 133 0 active
# 4064 "Doc2293" STEAM_0:1:10350690 1:10:37 107 0 active
# 4205 "JugHerNut" STEAM_0:1:4069806 02:08 73 0 active
# 4167 "Trip" STEAM_0:0:21032864 19:14 154 0 active
# 4178 "K Mamba" STEAM_0:0:7659167 13:47 74 0 active
# 4177 "PikaPika" STEAM_0:0:29184391 14:01 115 0 active
# 4202 "dog dog GERBLE#" STEAM_0:0:35765088 02:17 94 0 active
# 4197 "EAT DA POO POO" STEAM_0:1:64252091 07:58 90 0 active
# 4189 "gold111" STEAM_0:0:43327304 10:25 111 0 active
# 4145 "a.k.a [Celph Titled]" STEAM_0:0:60576491 31:28 85 0 active
# 4148 "Point and Click" STEAM_0:0:17763825 29:26 87 0 active
# 4176 "Seraph" STEAM_0:0:5334074 14:57 68 0 active
# 4168 "WhereisScooby" STEAM_0:0:45716417 18:55 127 0 active
# 4179 "I ATE THE BONES" STEAM_0:0:68934378 13:37 82 0 active
# 4149 "gummy bear" STEAM_0:0:550524 29:11 113 0 active
# 4127 "DarkPenguin" STEAM_0:1:5712973 42:10 92 0 active
# 4206 "oH $NaP! [FTDS]" STEAM_0:0:12756754 02:01 108 0 active
# 4169 "shanomatic" STEAM_0:1:3124202 18:08 92 0 active
# 4171 "cantinflas" STEAM_0:1:15574816 15:45 134 6 active
# 4201 "bLinDaSs" STEAM_0:0:67880666 02:33 120 0 active
# 4207 "HAVOK" STEAM_0:0:18209885 01:59 97 0 active
# 4186 "rey_de_hotwingz" STEAM_0:1:19063964 11:09 76 0 active
# 4192 "bummerz" STEAM_0:0:425413 09:03 107 0 active
# 4138 "Anteater" STEAM_0:0:53253498 34:03 120 0 active
Which Server: DoGz [GunGame DM] Turbo
I do have a demo which only catches transient leaving but you should be able to get a good idea of what was going on. It went on for at least 4 maps.