1. Why can you get knifed off nade but you cannot knife past nade? It makes no sense with the random knife rounds that you get knifed off nade, but no matter how many knifes you get after that you are still on nade.
2. There is a glitch that if you are on nade and you come out of a knife round all you get it your nade and a knife, you do not get your gun again until your dead and respawn. is this a fixable issue or is this something we just have to live with?
1. It makes sense, the nade is very easy to get. I could allow knife off nade during knife round.
2. This can be fixed. I guess you should get your bonus weapon back.
I respectfully disagree with ohyesidid on the 1st point. I love the fact that people get more or less "shafted" by getting knifed back to nade on the "knife round." Or that anxiety of trying to get that nade kill 0as you hear the countdown timer going off. ITS GREAT FUN, and it's just another reason why I play that server often.
The second point, I do get irritated with. As he said, if you are on Nade level (with your glock and he_grenade) when you go into the "knife round," when you come out you no longer have your glock, leaving you with only a knife if you miss with your grenade.
That has not been a major gripe with me, but if it could be fixed, that would be awesome.
edit - i just realized I dug up a very old post. Sorry about that, but I'll leave my point.
Edited by noxous on 15-09-2014 20:41