I was on the night be for the eve of xmas and these peices O shit Bigots talking shit about people who use drugs or alcohol come on and piss me off does that fall under racisim or respecting other players and admins no admins were on at the time so they couldn't say any thing about it I got pretty heated though and wish these people didn't play on my favorite SERVER
thanX [b] PYRATE[/b]
It's not really under racism to be honest, and i dont think it's really disrespecting players or admins unless they were talking directly to you or someone else and bashing them for their life style choices. If they were just speaking in general, its kind of iffy. If they were spamming mic/chat with it though, you might have more of a case
Yeah it's hard to say based just on your post... Next time theres an issue if there are no admins online, record a demo and post it on here and we'll be able to better assess the situation.