# 1407 "Eggplant" STEAM_0:1:580595 32:51 92 0 active
hacking/mic spamming. literally left the mic on the entire time, obvious aimbot. i didnt record a demo because when i was in spec i didnt get that option to lock on one player and he started knifing only when i was speccing.
shinobi dragon and some others were there who witnessed the mic spamming. as for the hacking im sure you'll find something ridiculous in terms of head shot/kill ratios or something retarded like that.
Hey, how do you record a demo btw just in case I ever have to? Never done it before. You use xfire or something or is there commands built into Steam/CSS?
Also, I believe TigerOx has made it possible for everyone to lock onto one player while spectating for demo purposes. The console commands are sm_observe "player name" and sm_endobserve to stop it.
Shinobi, all you have to do is type 'record playername' in the console and it will start recording. It saves a playername.dem file in your cstrike folder on your hd. When you're done, just go back into the console and type 'stop' and it will stop recording.