Since there has been a little bit of a gap in any worthwhile games being released (imo) until a bit later this month i've had time to revisit & enjoy some of my older games. Being the gaming buff I am I enjoy so many off brand and old school games. (they dont make em like they used to..) So in my boredom I was wondering if any of you are akin to me and my love of the old school. So ima post on some of my favorites and if you think you know any hidden gems that i dont name add em and let me know. ^^
Age of wonders2 (PC), Any Mega Man (multiple platforms), Road Rash 3 (sega), Commandos: Behind enemy lines (PC), Warcraft2 (PC), Spellforce (PC), Mob Rule (PC), FF7 or FF8 (PS1 or 2), Diablo2(PC), The Elder Scrolls: Morrowwind or Oblivion (Xbox), The Sims franchise (PC), Battletoads (Nintendo), Toejam and Earl (Nintendo), Any Double Dragon (Nintendo), Any Civilization (PC), Super Mario RPG (Super nintendo), Dokapon Kingdom (Wii), BoogerMan (Sega), Any C&C game (PC), Black&White (PC), Road Rash 64 (N64), Battletanx:World Domination (N64), Dungeon Keeper2 (PC), Any game from the Stonghold series (PC), Lords of the Realm2 (PC), And Last to come to my mind but my personal favorite i've played on and off for longer than i care to say COUNTER-STRIKE!!!!! (PC and Xbox<---- but the Xbox version is such a fail)
Thats all that I can muster up for right now but I know I missed hundreds of great games and if by the time your done reading that list of badassery above and you think i cheated the world of your favorite games add to it. I have the day off today and I wanted to see if anyone shares my love of anything to do with older games or even gaming in general. So if you have the time feel free to add and dont be afraid to get into detail i would but idk if this post will even make it beyond what i got right now soooo.... Let me have it people I know you spent hours and hours playing something that hits home with you and im interested to hear it!
(Yea I know... Ima super nerd.... And your prob at this point saying... ZOMG CHEECH I have other more important things to do with my time then post about old games) NO YOU DONT!!! POST NAO or ill find you one day, fart and woft it in your general direction!!! Post or face my stinky stinky punishment!) Enjoy your day guys and gals im off to carb load, hit the gym, then the wifey and I are watching SUMMERSLAM!!! (yea im a wrestling fan wanna fight about it?)
Your Norwegian pal: Cheech
Edited by Cheech86 on 19-08-2012 19:43