Players SteamID:STEAM_0:1:52857772
Players Nick Name:BøsseKarl
Comments: Obvious Aimbot, quick jerky shooting right to players heads, went from level 1-nade in no time, then AWP - Nade again in about the same time frame. 95% headshots.
Regulars Present:
Karebear, Lil2 or RekoJoe, Sexy Jebus
Which Server: DM Turbo, DM Overflow, DM Arena, Turbo Reverse
Demo Attached. It was the first time I ever recorded a demo, so bear with me on it. I had to cycle through a few times to find him but I locked on him :18-:22, :50-1:05, 1:20-1:35ish
Johnnie Walker attached the following file:
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