[usbdt] SexyBeast steam pm'd me to say this person was in server1 getting high hs kills. Asked if I could join. I joined & spec'd him/her. Definitely aimbot & by his hlstats 76% hs count. Here is his info.
# 1226 "CuteNinja" STEAM_0:0:12334128 13:03 71 0 active
[usbdt] SexyBeast: well she just admitted hacking
[*DoGz] kill_me_asap {~|O|D|B|~}: really
[usbdt] SexyBeast: CuteNinja : auto clicker +aimbot = pwnage
[usbdt] SexyBeast: thats what she literally just said
Edited by kill_me_asap on 21-01-2008 19:20
She/He said it was their first time playing, i told her/him that she/he was hacking like a pro (getting mad by this point) thats when she/he said yep, and then says CuteNinja : auto clicker +aimbot = pwnage.
She/He seemed to be having a good time so i think He/she will be back. They were defiantly hacking. crosshair jumping all across the screen everytime they shot.
If someone could follow up on this i and some of the people who were playing would greatly appreciate it.