I don't really know about this guy, dudes kinda full of some random shots/knowing where people are, i assume walls but need a second opinion so i thought why not come here!
Server: Turbo GG reverse
Player nickname: Jac
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10298787
Regulars: me, aenigma, greygoose, I don't really remember who else atm and kinda lazy to look
If the demo didn't attach right...well I dunno -shrugs- if its a different demo, hell i dunno I just saw the date was from today so i presume it was the one i took. Just this guy didn't really seem legit, for you all to judge.
Ps. This guys been kinda weird on alota maps, always gets to nade fast, and on nade and knife slows down a bit.
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