Ok seriously....can we please ban this fucker now? He does NOTHING but come in the DM server and knife people and piss everybody off. He rarely talks but when he does he's nothing but an annoying cocky little douche bag. I know he pisses everybody off with his knifing. Though it's not against server rules, he makes a lot of people mad. PLEASE get rid of this assclown.
Sorry, but a knife-whore isn't against the Rules, S.M. If it was, I'd be kicked outta DoGz long ago.
However, if you demo or screen cap him being "cocky" and saying anything offensive that WOULD be against the MOTD, we'd be happy to oblige. But sadly, until then, you'll just have to be more careful when rounding corners or taking long runs and looking in one direction for long periods of time.
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3
Really.... banned for knife whoring???? Clearly stated on forum logo.... " Watch your back, you may get bit " now when you cum in turbo you will be my knife batch....fol
Well, if you don't like it....you can get a bowl of "DEEZNUTZ"...