Batty |
Posted on 17-03-2011 22:44
Posts: 778
Joined: 13/05/2010 16:34
It's a mudda fookin' UPGRADE, yo!
This map is a small upgrade of the 4-star FROST map (gg_fy_dogz_frost)
From what I've seen, people like playing on this map, but I always felt it needed a little boost. The key upgrades are the Castle-looking wall has been spaced out significantly for people to jump through/over and I've added ladders along the walls so you can get up to the Second Level (not the 3rd on the roof, but the 2nd) a lot easier and faster then being limited to the stairs.
(((*Note For Tiger, or whomever may be uploading.
Please remember to remove gg_fy_dogz_frost from the map folder, mapcycle.txt , and maplist.txt so there isn't a duplicate.)))
This file has been named "gg_dogz-bm_frost" to better group it with my other current works, and to further signify that it is actually MY work (bm = BattyMaps) and not others. I am being given improper credit for Portal and Hallz, which, of course, are not mine. This is most notable by the lack of logo in the map.
Batty attached the following file:
Edited by Batty on 19-08-2012 12:07
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3
ryuseishin |
Posted on 28-03-2011 07:17
Posts: 97
Joined: 09/06/2010 04:16
nooooo why would you do such a terrible thing as to ruin a perfectly good map.
Just played it on the dm overflow and my first impression was "who put all these gay ass ladders here" the spacing i kinda liked but i think its to far spread and doesn't really allow for that sniping position it used to anymore.
my suggestion, remove ladders and narrow the spacing back to to just enough to fit through and make it a crouch jump to get up and over it.
You sir have ruined one of my favorite maps and i want it fixed
RyuSeishin=Dragon Spirit in Japanese
GG_DM Overflow
GG_Turbo Reverse
Batty |
Posted on 28-03-2011 11:30
Posts: 778
Joined: 13/05/2010 16:34
sorry, buck-o. Lots more people have told me they love the new version. You're just going to have to find a new strategy on it =3
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3
ryuseishin |
Posted on 28-03-2011 12:57
Posts: 97
Joined: 09/06/2010 04:16
names i demand names, i will stab every last one of them.
my strategy still works on it just fine just now when i land i in between the spaces i take damage lol
RyuSeishin=Dragon Spirit in Japanese
GG_DM Overflow
GG_Turbo Reverse
No pancake mix |
Posted on 28-03-2011 13:57
Veteran Member
Posts: 932
Joined: 24/11/2010 22:55
fool i stab YOU every time and i prefer the new version |
ryuseishin |
Posted on 28-03-2011 21:28
Posts: 97
Joined: 09/06/2010 04:16
pics or it didn't happen
my only real complaint is the ladders
RyuSeishin=Dragon Spirit in Japanese
GG_DM Overflow
GG_Turbo Reverse