What is with my obsession with "round"? I suppose i just hate boxy maps so much. Curse you funtimes for being so... square. Anywho, Tank is a mid-sized arena map. Very symmetrical as you GunGame fanatics love maps to be, which makes my job easier, mind you. It's Round, it's coolio, it's green.
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3
i dunno i don't think a map has to be symetrical to be enjoyed or good, only specific styles ofmaps, such as arenas, arena maps should always be copy paste of one side tot he other basically, as for maps like texture city, they should both offer good vantage and access points to the t and ct side.
This is where many maps fail and they become one sided either way, if a map can't evenly devide the onesidedness up between the 2 teams each to there own seperate areas then it has to be dead even.
again good map as always.
Edited by Batty on 03-02-2011 19:48
RyuSeishin=Dragon Spirit in Japanese
GG_DM Overflow
GG_Turbo Reverse
I totally skipped over that point. I didn't mean to say that if it wasn't symmetrical, then it fails, though I see where it was implied. I was more so referring to my maps alone, where my most successful ones are the mirrored ones.
Edited by Batty on 03-02-2011 19:47
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3
It would seem mostly because if its perfectly even it leaves no room for either t or ct to have an advantage, i kinda like maps that offer a onesided advantage to both teams on each side of the map.
Like say left side from ct spawn is easy for ct to pick ts off and vice versa for ts if they go to the left side from there spawn they can pick off cts easy.
I mostly end up goign the way where its easy to be picked off, makes it more fun. Soft of like dogz arena
RyuSeishin=Dragon Spirit in Japanese
GG_DM Overflow
GG_Turbo Reverse
DoGz arena is symmetrical. But as for advantages one way or another, I find that your favorite style of map promotes camping, and spawn camping is the worst. I find it's better to get players out of the spawn by giving them little to no way of camping in it. I like to see players get real dug in, ya know? The only place to hide is right in the middle of the map where the action is. Not picking off stragglers who are silly enough to adventure the map.
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3