After what seems to be 2 months now of having to put up with the stupid new update that, may I remind you, completely fucked up GunGame all together for a while there, it seems like the geniuses at Valve finally fixed SDK.
Took long enough, but I suppose when you break something that works perfectly well, you gotta repair it. So HUH-FREAKING-ZAH I can finally make my maps again!!
And that's good news since I'm the only Pup (my goofy name for non-member regulars) who builds maps aside from Japanese School Girl.
I'm so excited to get started, and on that note, I'll FINALLY be fixing DogzArena2 so there's a lot less cross-map shooting as I noticed that was a HUGE complaint.
So, TigerOx, if you're reading this, I'll be contacting you either today or tomorrow with an update to the file <3
SuperFluke wrote:
Are you sure SDK has been broken? It's been working fine for me, although I have to use the 2009 engine.
Yeah I've been doing every trick in the book to try to get it working. Re-installing, refreshing content, etc. But Hammer would never open until today.