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DoGz Gaming Clan » DoGz Servers » Ban Appeal
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banned for porn spray.
my name in game is sleeps ig also as melinda and i sprayed my spray over the porn spray but it went right threw the porn spray and it still showed the porn spray, my spray is the one with the girl with the joint in her noise,admins on dogz gg server know that thats my spray, just pls unban me it was an admins accident i swear thats all i want to do is play a good gungame server thats all im asking.
we will review this and get back to you.
Sweet Caroline
Any comment about that? Because according to the banning admin it was your spray, and according to an ex-clan mate he claims it sounds like it is probable that you were.
alright thank youSmile
Steal Your Face
I dont think it was his to be honest, i know the spray he is talking about. I think its a case of mistaken spray. And bridget, we dont usually show the people the members chat discussions....
i agree with steal. i think he sprayed over it and his name was left showing. if cell saw this firsthand then it will be a different story but i know that most people arent familiar with how the sprays work if they dont use the admin tracer.
weird. the same name showed up on 2 different spray spots
Edited by lettuce on 12-03-2010 22:46
thats why i tell people to stay away when someone sprays porn cause when i track it i ban and if you get in the way you are going down too.
"If you want to be happy be ignorant, if you want to know the truth prepare to become a cynic"
I didnt track it.....Looked at the name....banned the name.

However, the spray I saw was the same one that lettuce reported as being someone elses.

I went ahead and unbanned you. Dont spray porn in our servers as a first and final warning Grin

Sorry about the mistake.
Edited by IhasAcellular on 12-03-2010 23:22
most people dont know about the spray tracer, subby. but in fairness for people that do cover shit up, go to lettuces original post about this and go to the link she posted. and then tell me u wouldnt want that covered up, especially if there wasnt an admin there Smile

I know about it bob....I just dont trust it for this exact reason Wink works nicely for removing them though!
yeah that's right. i stared at the picture for a good minute while trying to take a screenshot. my favorite type of pics
I betcha that's lettuce there on the bottom!
Sweet Caroline
ps Steal, that link wasnt in the members chat section Smile
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