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DoGz Gaming Clan » DoGz Servers » Ban Appeal
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I don't know why did i get ban =.=
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15579263
Nickname: IvAn_!@你老母
Reason why I should be unbanned: I was playing the Deathmatch gungame server yesterday, about 1o'clock, and I was talking to my friend that just joined the server which is call [xXx]Dryad, and all the sudden i just got ban..maybe I was saying so bad words, but I didn't talk shit about the server or anyone else, I was just talking to my I want to know why did i get ban and plz unban me because I almost play this server everyday..
Edited by ivanch128 on 14-02-2010 00:36
You were apparently banned for inapropriate language, The ban is for 1 week...I suggest you just wait your time out.

Looking at your chat log you need to chill out when playing. Out of 53 things you said...22 of them contain the word "F***" and every single one of them are negative.
if it was i who banned you it wasnt for swearing but for using discriminatory language. i warn and than i ban.
"If you want to be happy be ignorant, if you want to know the truth prepare to become a cynic"
no one even warn me before i ban, i just disconnected...
and i do that all the time after i play a map..
i wasn't saying to anyone,, i just say it because i did bad..
i mean ppl saying the f... word in this server all the time.
but they don't get come i do??
you didnt get banned becasue you said fu-K but because you said F-g or other discriminatory words and i always warn, not that i have to its in the MODt
"If you want to be happy be ignorant, if you want to know the truth prepare to become a cynic"
wasnt me that did this one i went to bed eairly.
if you are told to not say a word then dont...regardless of if its from an admin or not. you should be respectful to those you play with. and as stated earlier, its only a week, just take it and i probably wouldnt use that word again in server
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