Scooby wrote:
While Butch is a DoGz member, he needs to be informed about this issue with his son as it is looking like he is recruiting on our server for his clan under his dads name. If this continues, Butch will be banned for breaking the rules because of his sons transgressions.
What his son is doing is setting a precedent that this kind of behavior is ok. It is not and WILL NOT be tolerated.
Make no mistake, I like Butch, but if he can't get his kid to follow the rules then he will have to pay the consequences sorry to say.
Thank You for Your TIme and Understanding,
I agree.......but maby we shouldnt talk about this in the public forum....especially in this guys intro lol.........none the less, I went ahead and told him
Edited by IhasAcellular on 13-12-2009 20:08