aint read the whole thread as i am for some reason having to track down the servers and re-add them to my favs list but if you really want a good computer go to a fry's or if youtr not on the west coast go to frys dot com bigger and better than best buy and half the price most times if you can afford it get a toshiba quasmo or an alienware there in excess of 1500 but there well worth it
i bought a toshiba L355D last year and now with crysis, left 4 dead and L4D2 on its way i already need a new computer cause its too old and crappy and dont buy toshiba anyway you need to overhawl them and fix broken hardware that should never break in the first place all the time
if you wanna learn computers and have a cutting edje machine go herehttp://www.linuxc...ptops.html
all you need to run counterstrike source on a linux machine is the font tohoma installed there is a whole community that will help you do it its really simple