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RE: shoutbox CSGO: Classic DM Maps
Ibizan Schoolgirl
Most of the maps are really good for gun game. The only one where everyone moans and tries to rtv are:


I personally don't mind parking, but most people hate it. The rest are actually really good maps.
I do like the crossfire promoted in ar_parking but the random spawns, two "basement" levels, choked doorways, and confusing layout kind of ruin it.

Speedcastle is a decent map but it is traditionally played with low gravity. It's an enormous map but low gravity helps to shorten it up a bit, especially since the spawn is a huge penned in area with exits at the far sides, gotta be able to jump those walls.

Neonlight is just boring, just the full team sitting at the edges of two corners. It doesn't really allow for flanking or a variety of tactics.

The only one I can add here would be ar_deserthouse which reminds me of parking a bit but it doesn't have any of its redeeming qualities. I haven't seen that one in a while though so maybe it's already been removed.
Ibizan Schoolgirl
Yeah, speedcastle is just too big for gg. It takes forever to finish.

Also ar_last rain...not really crazy about that one either. But I never stick around long enough to hear if people actually enjoy it or not.
Speedcastle is classic and not traditionally played with low gravity, at least not all the times I played it. I have seen a lot of people like it. I changed it to only come up when the server is full, so you won't see it as much.

The others I will remove.
I LOVE speedcastle. It is awesome.
I appreciate how involved you are TigerOx :] Here's my review (if you have a maplist I can cover anything I might have missed):

I'm going to go through the maps I have on my machine (some might not be on the server right now) and point out the ones that should be considered for cutting. Keep in mind I'm evaluting these as round-based gungame maps, not DM.

My rule of thumb is don't keep any maps that don't have cubemaps, as it indicates that the mapper is new/sloppy, so the design is likely lacking and the color contrast will be bad.

Disclaimer: I really dislike iceworld (in gg) and it's billion clones because I think it has bad design - every round you pop around the same corner knowing exactly where the enemy is going to be so it's just a test of reflexes and who has the better gun. This is okay for the training sorts of maps like aim_ but I don't like it for gungame.

ar_churches: (I've not sure if this is on the server because we have Bailey's version) The DoGz version is better.

ar_deagle_force: We already have ar_deagle and this is just an imitation with worse lighting and gimmicky chickens.

ar_deserthouse: I've only seen it played once. I don't see anything immediately revolting about it, but I remember it being met with negativity when I saw it played. You can also climb out of the map a little bit, but there's not much to exploit.

ar_eeco_classic: People seem to hate this one, but I think it's fine. Mostly I see them make fun of the fact that the guy stuck his face on the wall.

ar_freeze_csgo: No cubemaps. Extremely hard to see CTs against the dark walls on the sides.

ar_jungle: People have reacted negatively to this one. Tends to involve a lot of camping.

ar_last_rain: Iffy. With all of the interior areas, the rounds tend to last a while. Might be okay when the server is near full. I like the design, but it doesn't make a great gungame map since there's no objective to draw people out.

ar_legoland: This one tends to polarize people. I think it's okay - the only glaring issue is that the doors don't function well.

ar_simpsonsbridge: No cubemaps and we already have deagle so we don't need an inferior clone.

ar_underpassb3: This map was met with hostility when it was first put up. But despite its simplicity it doesn't seem so bad.

ar_white_v2: Very similar to the classic lego arena, but different enough to keep I suppose. I like white walls because then I can see the CTs.

: A little too simple. I've only played it with a half dozen people so it runs okay, but I imagine it's horrible with 20+.

gg_fy_deagle5: Another deagle clone but this one is well done. Most people probably wouldn't mind having this and ar_deagle just to have twice the chance of the map getting played.

gg_dust_mini_go: This map makes me cry. The guy has his models using the bounding box instead of VPhysics or something so you clip on random things, can't climb on top of crates, etc. There's also the dark stairway of doom where you can't see anything.

gg_neonlight: Campfest that's hard to see on.

gg_speedcastle_go_retext: I'm not a fan but I think speedcastle is a classic most people love.

aim_deadweight_alpha01: The map is pretty and works pretty well for gungame. The only thing is that the guy didn't add any playerclip brushes so you can climb out of the intended area which makes people angry at me. The _alpha01 makes me think there might be a newer version out there that fixes the issue. If nothing else, Bailey or I could decompile it to fix it up.

dm_cultv1: The layout is pretty decent but the fog is really annoying. I'm torn on this one.

fy_arenaeight: The map might be a little too hectic. The only major issue is that you can spawn with direct LoS of the enemy and kill them immediately after freezetime.

fy_three_bridges: The map is pretty, but the layout is pretty bad/camp-heavy. The jump portals would be much better as ladders.

de_lake/de_sugarcane: People didn't seem to like these but I thought they were pretty good.

de_bank/de_stmarc: These were rightfully disliked.

These maps are all very similar:

Probably keep funtimes and aztec. Funtimes is a classic and aztec is different enough (snowstorm is an inferior clone.


In other news I'm working on a couple maps. If I ever get around to finishing them, I'd love to get them on the server for a try. I just tend to get discouraged when I get to the point where I have to add details/make everything pretty as it's much more boring than designing layouts/the fun elements.
Some of these have been removed. We use player limits on our maps, so maps like fy_three_bridges do not come up with 20+ players.

I will do some work on the map list and post it here. Thanks for the feedback.
Ibizan Schoolgirl
I'd have to disagree/agree with a few of those. I think people that play gg DM are drawn to the chaos. So arenaeight, freeze, and white_v2 are all really good quick and dirty chaos maps. Snowstorm is better than the original snow. It's a classic and I hope it stays. The only way its similar to aztec is the side halls.

I agree there are probably are too many deagle maps, but simpsons bridge is more challenging with snipers shooting from above. Cultv1, deadweight_alpha and underpass are really good. I personally love the dust_mini. It's another one that can be quick and hectic but you can still get long distance kills w/o instantly dying, spawn camping is minimal, and it's a lot of fun to play.

Cubemaps can be perceived as nooby or lazy by an experienced mapmaker, but they usually play well for dm gg and most players enjoy them. So yeah, too many renditions can get boring, but the freeze, fight, and funtimes that are currently on the server are of good variety.

I totally agree that the dogz churches is def the better version of churches. I haven't heard anyone complain about those maps, just the ones mentioned in the previous post, ecco_classic, legoland and all of the demolition maps which have been removed anyways. And I gave ar_rain a try would be more fun if there weren't so many tunnels and spawn points where you lose your orientation. Aside from that it's not a boring map. That's all I got. Smile
I agree with most of what schoolgirl says. I play mainly on the DoGz [GunGame DM] Classic server these days. I prefer the fast action there compared to some of the other servers. And it is almost always near capacity which is a good thing.
Oh just to be clear my suggestions were for the non-DM server - most of those maps are fine for deathmatch.
kahngage wrote:

Oh just to be clear my suggestions were for the non-DM server - most of those maps are fine for deathmatch.

And that is why I specified which server I play on. So there was no confusion. Grin
Updated the map list today.

There is a new deagle map, all other deagle maps have been removed.
This is what happens when I go to school and stop making maps.
Please feel free to comment on my Map Upload threads. Your comments and suggestions help me make better maps for the DoGz!!
P.S. Click the Banner for instant teleportationism to the BattyMaps section of the forum! =3
Bailey Bat wrote:

This is what happens when I go to school and stop making maps.

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